Dirtiest Woman in Town

My photo
Yep, that's me...the one with the dirty fingernails and dirty clothes. No matter how hard I try to stay somewhat presentable...I am destined to be that dirty old woman.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My First Attempt at Gardening

TWENTY YEARS AGO! I had to share my very first garden with you; the beginning of my gardening affair. From this small plot, my love affair with gardening began. Our yard was the neighborhood playground for many years--we had the swings, the sandbox, etc. As our girls grew, I continued to expand and now my border extends to about 1500'.
My father was my gardening inspiration As a little girl I remember doing the barefoot dance in the spring as he tended his flowers. I was told that on more than one occasion I moved his plants more to my liking...funny, I'm still doing that today with my own plants. Gosh, do I miss him.
PS The pond is where the sandbox once stood and the girls have long graduated from college.

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