Dirtiest Woman in Town

My photo
Yep, that's me...the one with the dirty fingernails and dirty clothes. No matter how hard I try to stay somewhat presentable...I am destined to be that dirty old woman.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rails to Trails Ride

After a long day of working in the yard, Don and I went for a bike ride on Rails to Trails.  The bugs were horrendous, but it still felt good to get the sweat going.

Pretty much done with Phase I of yard cleanup.  I want to keep working on removing the spreading lilies on the back bank.  I ordered  more ground cover to take its place.  There is a spirea that needs to be dug out.  I transplanted it last year, but a good bit of it is dead.

We also need to work on removing all the wild strawberries from the vinca...my most hated weed...it thinks it can take over the world.  Lastly, Don needs to finish painting the wrought iron fence.

Mom is getting ready to move on...maybe now she will find some peace and happiness she was never able to find on earth.

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