Dirtiest Woman in Town

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Yep, that's me...the one with the dirty fingernails and dirty clothes. No matter how hard I try to stay somewhat presentable...I am destined to be that dirty old woman.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bound and Determined

OK, this is the year that I am bound and determined to update my blog on a regular basis. What better way to see what is blooming on a particular day, what I want to move to a better place, and where I need that "something is missing" plant.

I worked out in the front walkway garden yesterday cleaning around the birch tree so we could see the crocus that are blooming. Don thought the rabbits would be happy now that they could find them much easier. I was really dismayed at the broken branches on some of the shrubs. The viburnum carlesii has a large branch that was partially broken. I read in George Weigel's blog that sometimes if you tie the branch together with an old nylon, the branch may bond. I did this once with a foxtail spruce and it did work. I'm going to give it a try since I have nothing to lose but a branch. Some of the boxwoods had broken branches, but after trimming them they don't look so bad. I won't mention all the vole trails...that's another day.

No matter how severe the winter damage, the crocus blooms give me hope.

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