Dirtiest Woman in Town

My photo
Yep, that's me...the one with the dirty fingernails and dirty clothes. No matter how hard I try to stay somewhat presentable...I am destined to be that dirty old woman.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What Happened to the Rain

Had lots of rain yesterday and last night, but today ended up being half decent.  This morning I saw some ducks in Miller's yard.  As I went out the back door, they were at the pond...2 males and one female.  When I came back from Lurgan they were in the back yard.  I scared them twice.  I hope they don't make a nest nearby as the kids next door will be their doom.

I made my second trip to Lurgan to get 3 hellebore.  The ones under the front dogwood are so pretty, I thought I would try to plant some under the back birch tree.  I thought maybe this fall I will try to divide the ones under the dogwood as they are getting pretty thick.  I understand they can be tricky to transplant, but still think it's worth a try.

Then....I decided I wanted to finish the foyer and had Don caulk around the woodwork.  I thought using painter's tape would make the job easier...BIG mistake.  When I went to tear the tape off, the caulking got all messy and had to be taken off.  Don't think I'll do that move again.


  1. Beautiful photo Kathy!
    When the Master Gardener's took the trip to the Burpee Seed Co. several weeks ago, we were given some catalogs to take home. One being the 2010 Heronswood. On the cover was a variety called 'Onyx Odyssey'.
    It is so dark it looks black. It's beautiful.

  2. Some of the hellebore can be pretty pricey. I can imagine how much Heronswood cost.
